Monday, October 18, 2010

life as I know it lately

yep, the blog has been shamefully neglected. I have been busting my rear at school. Making mostly good grades. This semester has been a series of sleep, study, see ryan repeat. I would really like to do well this semester to kind of ...bust back onto the scene. Start strong. feel like I can make up some of this lost time.

Ryan and Sarah are still good. :) We hang out alot. And he is still so good to me. We have alot of fun together and I am definitely in love with this kid. And cuter still, he is very in love with me. ^_^ We went camping this last weekend with the rents. that went okay. (mom was a little weird, but the boys had fun.)

THIS WEEKEND is fall break. Ry and I are going backpacking on a mountain trail up in Fayetville. I suspect we will freeze! But it should be fun and I look forward to adding it to the checks on my list. Weekend after that, we are doing an adventure race. {See, I told you this kid was cool!!}

Besides that, not alot of interest going on in my life.